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Intensive Holiday SAT Prep Courses

Posted: May 23, 2011

We now offer special six-member group SAT Prep Courses for students. All students must be below the age of 26 to be accepted. The course package includes 80 x 45min of teaching and all teaching materials (Cracking the SAT and Practice Tests for SAT and PSAT).

During summer holiday 2011 the SAT Preparation Courses are going to take place in July and August:
Course 1: 4th - 29th of July, Modays to Fridays 9 - 12:30AM
Course 2: 4th - 29th of July, Modays to Fridays 2:30 - 6:00PM
Course 3: 1st - 26th of August, Modays to Fridays 9 - 12:30AM
Course 4: 1st - 26th of August, Modays to Fridays 2:30 - 6:00PM

SAT Prep Course ......... 15,000 CZK per student (187,50 CZK per 45 minutes)

Please, register at

Read more about our SAT Preparation Courses.